November 07, 2023 Hoston Machinery

Causes and Solutions of CNC Lathe Collision

It is said that "operator" and "programmer" are enemies. Whenever a collision occurs, the two parties will quarrel. So who is responsible for the crash?

Today we will analyze it from a programming perspective.

If it is a programming problem, what are the reasons that may cause a crash? How to avoid it? Reasons may be:

1. The safety height is not enough or is not set

2. The tool on the program list and the actual program tool are written incorrectly

3. The tool length and actual processing depth on the program sheet are incorrectly written.

4. The depth Z-axis fetch and the actual Z-axis fetch are written incorrectly on the program sheet.

5. Wrong coordinate setting during programming

 Causes and Solutions of CNC Lathe Collision

The improvement method is as follows:

1. Accurately measure the height of the workpiece and ensure that the safe height is above the workpiece

2. The tool on the program list must be consistent with the actual tool

3. Measure the actual depth of processing on the workpiece, and clearly write the length and blade length of the tool on the program sheet.

4. The actual Z-axis number on the workpiece must be written clearly on the program sheet.


Then a friend said that it couldn't be a problem with my CNC Lathe. If that's the case, it's better to solve it. Buy our Hoston machine tools and you’ll be guaranteed no problem!

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